Convergent-AV Launched...
Gordon Fraser Leaves Stereo Stereo to develop independent Home Cinema consultancy,
Convergent-AV Limited (1st November 2002)
After more than five years as the Custom Design and Installations Manager for Glasgow
based Stereo Stereo Ltd, Gordon Fraser has resigned in order that he can focus his
efforts more fully as an independent home cinema consultant.
As Gordon Fraser explains it, 'Obviously, you don't walk away from an employer like
Stereo Stereo lightly. It's not been an easy decision, but over the past year or so
it has become increasingly clear to me that there is a considerable demand for specialist
home cinema consultants who can work alongside retailers and private consumers alike in
the pursuit of performance excellence.'
'The specialist knowledge and calibration skills required to produce a truly exceptional
home cinema are increasing as fast as the technologies themselves.
It's simply no longer feasible for consumers to expect individual retailers
to keep pace with these developments - particularly if they may only sell one or
two complex systems in a month.'
'This model is already much in use in America, where independent consultants are
frequently contracted to project manage installations on behalf of private customers,
or simply called upon by retailers to oversee the calibration of a cinema once it has
been installed.'
As well as continuing to design and install complete home cinemas, Fraser will be
working to increase public awareness of the benefits of the Imaging Science Foundation
(ISF) which was founded by American video guru Joe Kane. The ISF method of calibration
dramatically improves the picture on literally every single display device.
For more information, please contact:
Gordon Fraser, Managing Director, Convergent-AV Ltd.
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