Radiance 2020

Radiance 2123/2124

Radiance 2143/2144

Cables and Accessories

The Chord Company

Projection Screens
Cinema Seating
Home Cinema Electronics

Projection Screens

Projection Screens Although cinema screens may seem quite simple devices there is quite a bewildering choice available. If you know the screen you require then just email us for a quote. But if you don't and you want some advice or help then why not read our guide to choosing projection screens. It's been published on several websites and is a good place to start. Once you've digested it give us a shout!

Link: How to choose a screen

In our experience, one critical factor consumers overlook in choosing the best screen is that screens are application specific (this is explained in the article). In a nutshell, this means you need to be sure you're choosing the right tool for the job.

The manufacturers we deal with offer the best performance for your money. We can supply products from Beamax, VuTec, Screen Research and Stewart Filmscreens. These manufacturers cover the bases from very affordable manual pull-down screens to very high-end 2.35:1 four way masking, acoustically transparent devices.

As there is such a huge range and the ideal screen is dependant on several variables, it simply isn't possible to list every option here, so please get in touch for a competitive quote.

Please call or email us for more information.